Your Ultimate Roleplaying Purity Score | ||
Category | Your Score | Average |
Hacklust | 8.49% Slew entire Asgardian Pantheon with one hand while blindfolded | 53.6% |
Sensitive Roleplaying | 11.39% There is no player. There is only.... Zuul. | 54.8% |
GM Experience | 11.59% Worldbuilder, storyteller... Master. | 69.4% |
Systems Knowledge | 89.69% Played in a couple of campaigns | 90.4% |
Livin' La Vida Dorka | 34.48% Carries dice in pocket 'just in case' | 63.3% |
You are 36.18% pure Average Score: 68.8% | ||
Him who mountain crush him no
Him who sun him stop him no
Him who hammer him break him no
Him who fire him fear him no
Him who raise him head above him heart
Him diamond
- Translation of troll pictograms
Terry Pratchett, Thud!
Amazing words !